the Centre
Facilities To meet our teaching and research goals, we have the following audio-visual, computer and library facilities at our disposal. Communication Skills Rooms Four rooms have been equipped with facilities to teach a variety of communication skills. The rooms are used to record and review group and individual oral presentations, role plays and organisational behaviour. They are also used for viewing commercially produced audio-visual materials. Each of the rooms is equipped with a 29-inch colour television, a video-camera, a video-cassette recorder, an overhead projector, wall-mounted screens and a lectern. A portable LCD projector and a lap-top computer are also available for students who wish to supplement their presentations with computer-generated visuals. Our library has a collection of English language books on loan from the University’s Central Library. In addition, we are building up our own collection of English language and communication resources, i.e. monographs and audio-visual materials. Finally, the library also serves as the repository of teaching materials generated by CELC courses. All the materials in the library are meant solely for the use of the CELC teaching staff. Computer Laboratory The student computer laboratory has 14 workstations, an HP Laserjet 4 printer and a data-show system with computer screen projection capabilities. In addition to using our software library and word-processing programs, the students are also able to access the University’s extensive central computing facilities like NUSNET which has gateways to Internet, Telnet and the World Wide Web. Personal Computers Full-time members of the teaching staff are allocated computer workstations which enable them to write their own teaching materials and communicate with one another as well as with other members of the University community. Like the Centre’s computer laboratory, these workstations are linked to the University’s extensive central computing facilities. This provides the staff access to data and research facilities throughout the world.