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Faculty of Engineering

Courses offered

Technical Communication 1 (EG1411) 

Technical Communication 2 (EG1412) 

English (EG1471)


Technical Communication 1 (EG1411) 


This course aims to 

§ introduce students to the principles of an audience- centred approach to technical communication; 

§ help students learn to use the audience-centred approach in writing technical communications like instructions and

§ teach students oral presentation skills; and 

§ prepare students for Technical Communication 2. 


TC 1 uses lectures, tutorials and teacher-student conferences to teach writing and oral presentations. In the tutorials,
communication strategies and project assignments are discussed. Students learn to write audience-centred documents through
individual conferences with their teachers during which the content, language and layout of their documents are discussed. In
addition, students view videotapes on techniques of effective oral presentations before delivering their own oral presentations.
These are taped and reviewed to teach effective oral presentation skills. 

Course evaluation consists solely of continual assessment. 

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English (EG1471) 


To help students achieve a level of proficiency which will allow them to function in English academically, professionally and
socially, the course aims to improve students’ 

§ writing skills, with emphasis on writing as a process; clear and concise language, and coherent organisation; and
appropriate word choice for the audience, focus and purpose of a text; 

§ reading ability, especially dealing with unknown vocabulary, text structure and writer’s focus and purpose, and
selecting information in preparation for writing and speaking; and 

§ basic language skills, e.g. verb forms, sentence structure and editing skills. 


The course has three components: thematically grouped readings, writing tasks and practice with language in context. Students
discuss content, organisation and language of the readings in small groups and then as a class. Writing tasks require students to
discuss the readings and select information from them. Students are encouraged to view their writing as a process that responds
to the needs and expectations of their readers. 

Evaluation consists of continual assessment and a final examination. 

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Technical Communication 2 (EG1412) 


The aim of Technical Communication 2 is to help students develop the communication skills they will need on the job, so that
by the time they start working they will be able to handle the communication demands at their workplace. This course focuses
on collaborative writing techniques and team oral presentation strategies. 


The course develops the students’ written and oral communication skills through lectures, tutorials and teacher-student
conferences. Peer review is also an essential element in the course. 

Team projects include writing proposals, letters, memos and formal reports. Students are also required to do individual and
team oral presentations. The coursework emphasizes a reader-centred approach to communication. 

Assessment is continual; there is no final examination. 

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